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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Poser?Trend?Or you are seriously inspired?

Just watch around.

You'll see youth with bulky DSLR's around their neck.

Snapping everything on sight.

I don't know.I find that lame.


My perimeter of age?Yeah acceptable.They maybe make money from that.

But when you see miniature scales,and a baby face with a moustache hanging that around.

I feel like

Word of the day : Barf


  1. yea, that is seriously lame and sometimes annoying, depend on the owner la jugak, but still it's annoyed me sometimes, erk. i know camera is important for those who wanna making money from that and for those who loves to snap pic but, it'll become bored when you see people taking picture and carry their DSLR just to showing off to others.

  2. In other words (Sir Hairol),
    The that you call POSERS!hahaha~

  3. I find it annoying also. I thought I am the only one who thinks so. Luckily, you too. Thanks for sharing you thoughts.

    I hate it when they act like a professional photographer where the truth is, the only thing they know about photography is 'focus' which even my 1 year niece would also know.

  4. Bella : Hahaha! They can be not-so professional actors I guess.Just lord childs with over expensive cameras.hihi
